Episode 63: Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)

Episode 63 on Soundcloud!

The MXD Spooktoberfest of Sequels continues with PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 (2011)! And we get deep in the cobwebs on Halloween prep talking party planning, decorations, DIY costumes, whether or not to leave one parent behind for trick-or-treating, how to stay creepy all year ‘round, babysitters, stepdads, secrets, radical parenting advice part 2, light monsters, and Bloody Mary. Plus: What would Deaddy do in a PA3 scenario? Listen to find out, ya Creeps!

Question of the Week: WHAT WOULD YOU REALLY DO?


Out of 9 Bad News Bears movie posters, Carol gave PA3 a near-perfect 8/9. Wow. Josh was, as usual, slightly less into the movie, and gave it 7/9 posters. Try harder next time, PAs!!

Out of 26 possible loose teeth, both Carol and Josh gave the kids in PA3 26/26 teeth. They were THAT GOOD.


Episode 64: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors


Episode 62: The Conjuring 2 (2016)